Women’s Reproductive Rights and Freedoms

As your U.S. Senator, I pledge to champion the codification of women’s reproductive rights and freedoms. It is an affront to justice and common decency that in our country today, my 86-year-old mother possesses more autonomy over her healthcare decisions than a 24-year-old staffer on my campaign. This stark disparity is not just outrageous; it is a glaring violation of human rights.

In my vision for a fairer and more equitable America, every woman, regardless of age, should have the unassailable right to make deeply personal medical decisions without government interference. The right to choose, the right to privacy, and the right to safe and accessible reproductive healthcare are fundamental to our democracy. These rights are about more than just healthcare—they are about dignity, equality, and respect.

We must enshrine these freedoms at the federal level to protect them from the whims of political tides and state legislatures that seek to roll back decades of progress. This fight is not just a legislative battle; it is a moral imperative. It is about ensuring that every woman in this nation has control over her own body and her own future.

As your senator, I will tirelessly advocate for the passage of comprehensive laws that secure these rights for all women. I will work to dismantle barriers to reproductive healthcare and stand against any efforts to erode the freedoms that so many have fought to secure. Together, we can build a society where every woman is empowered to make the best choices for herself and her family, free from fear, coercion, or discrimination.

This is not just a promise—this is my solemn commitment to every woman and every family in Michigan and across the United States. Let’s fight for a future where women’s reproductive rights are guaranteed, respected, and upheld without question.

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